Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Fantastic xmaz pressie for dog lovers/kids

hi all I went to John lewis today ended up in there for hours such great things in there to choose.

Was with my friend and her 3 year old girl and went to check the toy part out (my fav part)

There i fell in love with a toy lifelife dog to see it is to belive it i so wish i had the money to buy it the pic above does not do it justise so if you get to go to john lewis check it out

You can't help but fall in love with Biscuit, the gorgeous Golden Retriever pup. He's life size and has the most adorable, pleading eyes ever! There's no need to train him as he'll sit up, lie down and he'll even beg and give you his paw.
But remember, you have to love and care for him, as he loves attention from his owner and responds to your touch with an affectionate nuzzle and heart melting puppy noises!
Biscuit is one of the official Top 12 must-have toys for Christmas 2008.

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